I decided that I wanted my website to look more professional, and so went and looked at a few free wallpaper stocks which I could add to my site. I found these two, which are currently quite girly, but with some work could look much better, and much more synergistic with a little more editing.

I rotated the image, then fixed the exposure so the image is slightly darker, and then made the image slightly sharper, so it looks more textured. I then added a small amount of Sepia to the image, as a lot of my images use sepia tone. This makes the image more synergistic and means that it looks less feminine, which was a problem with the stock image.
I then did the same to the next image, which made it darker and more synergistic.

I then got on to using these on my webpages.
I started by adding it as a background to my titles of each page. This actually works well, as although the image has a different colour, the textures of the two are very similar, and look a bit like they have been weaved. I've done this on every page. I then decided to change the fonts on each page. I made this a font called 'Dutch and Harley' which was free on dafont.com. Now I need to make some decisions regarding the layout of these, as they all have white lines surrounding them where they have been carried over, and in some cased this looks messy, as the lines do not always add up, and the fonts are of different sizes. I've also decided to do no more work on the other pages, as it's more important that the homepage is done, especially as the other pages aren't needed.
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