Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Planning for Filming

We have been planning how we will meet our filming deadline of the 19th of December, roughly 14 days from now. In our plan, we have included times we could use for filming, based around our timetables, though of course this will change based upon when our cast are available. In our plan, we divided it up by dates and days, as follows:

Day 1: Thursday 6th 
Individual Analysis
Location Idea

Day 2: Friday 7th
Regroup at lunch
Create a solid narrative
Individual analysis on progress
Idea's for storyboard

Day 3: Saturday 8th 
Individual research and analysis
Storyboard 1

Day 4: Sunday 9th
Storyboard 2
Final Storyboard

These are the first four days, where our plan is merely to prepare for filming by consolidating ideas and getting things ready. The idea of this is that once the immediate things are done, filming should go much more smoothly and be much better organised. By ensuring we work to this we will be better prepared and hopefully make a better video, in less time.
In this time we must also get together a small cast for the video. 

We made a short video blog post as a group focusing on organisation, time management and our aims:

From this we plan to use our time for filming, and have so far only worked out when each of us is free, which means we have a better and flexible idea of when we could film. Our times will have to be flexible as we may have things come up, or cast may not be able to make certain times.
The plans for the following 8 days go as follows:

Day 5: Monday 10th
Me, Andrew and Daniel- Period 1, 2, 3, 4
Renee- Period- 3, 4, 5

Day 6: Tuesday 11th
All have media period 5

Day 7: Wednesday 12th
Me and Renee are on an art trip
Daniel and Andrew have media period 1 and 2 and are free for rest of day

Day 8: Thursday 13th
Me, Andrew and Daniel- Periods 3 and 4
Renee- Periods 1 and 2

Day 9: Friday 14th
Daniel and Andrew- prepare period 5 and film after sixth form

Day 10: Saturday 15th
Should be free to film

Day 11: Sunday 16th
Should be free to film

Day 12th: Monday 17th

Me, Andrew and Daniel- Period 1, 2, 3, 4
Renee- Period- 3, 4, 5

Day 13: Tuesday 18th
aim to be finished

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